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Taking your parrot outside & keeping your bird safe outdoors

Macaw Harness

Based on the lost parrot reports we receive via ParrotAlert, it's surprising how many parrots and birds escape while outdoors.

Parrot owners who take their birds out on their hand or shoulder without any kind of "restraining device" are at high risk of loss. Owners fall into the false sense of security in that 'their parrot will never fly away'. They believe they've developed a bond strong enough to keep them by their side. It only takes something to spook them; a noise, another bird overhead, a distraction and off they fly.

Owners of clipped parrots who take their birds outside are more susceptible to the risk. The belief of the parrot's clipped wings will prevent flight is myth rather than fact. There are different grades of wing clipping, even the worst clipped parrot has managed to take flight with the aid of enough wind. For most, a light breeze is ample to lift your bird up and easily carry it 100 metres away. We see the reports on a daily basis, the statistics and report comments tell a sad tale.

There are preventative measures you can take:

If you plan on taking your parrot outside on your hand or shoulder, whether your parrot's wings have been clipped or not, then consider investing in an Aviator Parrot Harness to mitigate the risk.

Secure the harness to yourself by placing your hand through the leash loop. Additionally, wrap it around your wrist taking care when exchanging the leash between your hands or to another person. Owners have lost their parrot in this situation.

Secure the harness to the object you perch your parrot on. Ensure the perch is secured and weighted enough to prevent any attempt to fly away and taking it with them. We should add, it's not ideal to tether a parrot to a perch. A parrot should never be left unattended or out of arm's reach, as the risk of attack from a prowling cat or a bird of prey is possible.

We've had lost reports of birds still wearing their harness. Creating greater risk of them becoming entangled or tangled within a tree.

If you do use a harness check regularly for chew damage. Over time they can free themselves from a damaged harness.

Toy Clips

Parrots would give the great Houdini a run for his money. If you take your parrot outside in a travel cage or put it in an outdoor cage, parrots have the intelligence, patience and ability to open feeders or doors to set themselves free. Mini Padlocks or the stainless steel metal clips which are used to hang parrot toys provide an aid to secure all cage flaps, swing feeders and doors. They come in various sizes to match the power of their beak.

Please! Please! Please!
Please stop taking your birds outside without safeguarding your bird with a harness, cage or carrier and is escape proof.

The harsh reality is you will probably have to live with the consequences of not knowing what happened if you never recover your parrot. Ultimately your bird or parrot could end up paying with their life due to exposure to elements or predators, more so clipped birds with limited mobility to escape tricky situations.

Be safe, reduce the risk and consider purchasing a Parrot Aviator Harness, manufacturer link:

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